I’ve been thinking about the future of SecretPenguin a lot lately.
I came up with 3 goals as we continue to grow. They may evolve as time goes on, but for now, here they are:

Rid the world of misrepresented and insulting ads targeted to the youth demographic (this includes never using the word, xtreme).
(More examples in a past post about skateboarding and advertising.)

I want to give the respect that the youth demographic deserves. Not sell to them, not talk down to them, not take advantage of them or their culture/community, but create brands they can truly be proud to associate themselves with.

Hyper Martial Arts fans at the Hyper Games, an event to support and promote Martial Arts athletes. Hyper is a good example of a brand we created that people are proud of, with over 20,000 people who “like” it on Facebook in just a few short months.

I want SecretPenguin to employ the best people that are submersed in their passions – skateboarding, music, biking, whatever. I’ve noticed there’s a quirky genius quality within passionate people. Sure, they may have a shaved head with a rat tail or a sunburned lightning bolt on their chest… but that type of quirkiness transfers to their work and boundaries are broken.

Jason Sawyer, SecretPenguin’s frontend developer. (Photo: Cody Peterson)

I want every aspect of SecretPenguin to be honest – with our employees, our clients, and the audience we’re reaching with our design and marketing.
When everyone is honest, everything feels fair. Everyone understands their roles, expectations are met, and everyone is – in theory – happy.

3 simple goals. I believe we have done a pretty good job so far. However, there are still way too many insulting ads out there…